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[5] 王翔,李军,薛一波。一种分布式多核网络系统中地址解析协议实现的方法,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0236833.7,授权公告日:2012年7月25日。(已转让)
[4] 王凯,李军,薛一波。心跳机制的实现方法,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0236819.7,授权公告日:2012年6月20日。(已转让)
[3] 李国栋,陈震,薛一波,李军。一种可扩展的全流优先级调度方法,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0236816.3,授权公告日:2011年12月28日。(已转让)
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[1] 王巍,李军。可扩展标识语言安全应用中的可扩展标识语言解析方法,专利号:ZL 2007 1 0098906.1,授权公告日:2010年05月26日。(已转让)
撰写文章[26] Yifan Li, Jiaqi Gao, Ennan Zhai, Mengqi Liu, Kun Liu and Hongqiang Harry Liu. Cetus: Releasing P4 Programmers from the Chore of Trial and Error Compiling. Proc. of the 19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), 2022.
[25] Xiaohe Hu, Yang Xiang, Yifan Li, Buyi Qiu, Kai Wang and Jun Li. Trident: Efficient and Practical Software Network Monitoring. Tsinghua Science and Technology, pp. 452-463, Vol. 26, No. 4, August, 2021.
[24] Zhi Liu, Shijie Sun, Ju Xing, Zhe Fu, Xiaohe Hu, Jianwen Pi, Xiaofeng Yang, Yunsong Lu and Jun Li. MN-SLA: A Modular Networking SLA Framework for Cloud Management System. Tsinghua Science and Technology, pp. 635–644, Vol. 23, No. 6, December, 2018.
[23] Xiaohe Hu, Arpit Gupta, Nick Feamster, Aurojit Panda, Scott Shenker. Preserving Privacy at IXPs. Proc. of the Second Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking (APNet), 2018.
[22] Dujuan Gu, Yibo Xue, Dongsheng Wang and Jun Li. IPv6 Network Virtualization Architecture for Autonomic Management of IPv6 Transition. Proc. of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), 2017.
[21] Zhenlong Yuan, Yongqiang Lu and Yibo Xue. DroidDetector: Android Malware Characterization and Detection Using Deep Learning. Tsinghua Science and Technology, pp114-123, Vol. 21, Issue 1, 2016.
[20] Zhe Fu, Xiaohe Hu, Xiang Wang, Chang Chen and Jun Li. AP MATRIX: A New Access Point Architecture for Reliable Public Wi-Fi Services. Proc. of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2016.
[19] Yiyang Shao, Yihang Luo, Xiaohe Hu, Yibo Xue, Yang Xiang and Kevin Yin. FLAX: A Flexible Architecture for Large Scale Cloud Fabric. Proc. of the 5th International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing (SC2), 2015. (poster)
[18] Zhi Liu, Xiang Wang, Weishen Pan, Baohua Yang, Xiaohe Hu and Jun Li. Towards Efficient Load Distribution in Big Data Cloud. Proc. of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2015.
[17] Beipeng Mu, Xinming Chen and Zhen Chen. A Collaborative Network Security Management System in Metropolitan Area Network. Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC), 2011.
[16] Xinming Chen, Beipeng Mu and Zhen Chen. NetSecu: A Collaborative Network Security Platform for in-network Security. Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC), 2011.
[15] Jinli Meng, Xinming Chen, Zhen Chen, Chuang Lin, Beipeng Mu and Lingyun Ruan. Towards High-performance IPsec on Cavium OCTEON Platform. Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Trusted Systems (INTRUST), 2010.
[14] Weirong Jiang and Yaxuan Qi. Power-Aware Parallel Forwarding: An Optimization Study. Proc. of the 2010 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 2010.
[13] Fei He, Yaxuan Qi, Yibo Xue and Jun Li. YACA: Yet Another Cluster-based Architecture for Network Intrusion Prevention. Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2010.
[12] Zhen Chen, Fa-Chao Deng, An-An Luo, Xin Jiang, Guo-Dong Li, Run-hua Zhang and Chuang Lin. Application Level Network Access Control System Based on TNC Architecture for Enterprise Network. Proc. of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security (WCNIS), June 2010.
[11] Yaxuan Qi, Fei He, Xiang Wang, Xinming Chen, Yibo Xue and Jun Li. OpenGate: Towards an Open Network Services Gateway. Computer Communications, pp200-208, Vol.34, No.2, 2010.
[10] Xiang Wang, Yaxuan Qi, Yibo Xue and Jun Li. Towards High-Performance Network Intrusion Prevention System on Multi-core Network Service Processor. Proc. of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed System (ICPADS), 2009.
[9] Xinming Chen, Yiyao Wu, Lianghong Xu, Yibo Xue and Jun Li. Para-Snort: A Multi-thread Snort on Multi-Core IA Platform. Proc. of the 21th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS), 2009.
[8] Yaxuan Qi, Fei He, Xiang Wang, Xinming Chen, Yibo Xue and Jun Li. OASis: Towards Extensible Open-Architecture Services Platforms. Proc. of the 5rd ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), 2009. (Poster)
[7] Fei He, Yaxuan Qi, Yibo Xue and Jun Li. SANS: A Scalable Architecture for Network Intrusion Prevention with Stateful Frontend. Proc. of the 5rd ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), 2009. (Poster)
[6] Wei Wang and Jun Li. An XML Firewall on Embedded Network Processor. Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS), 2008.
[5] Fachao Deng, Anan Luo, Yaokun Zhang, Zhen Chen, Xuehai Peng, Xin Jiang and Dongsheng Peng. TNC-UTM: A Holistic Solution to Secure Enterprise Networks. Proc. of the 2008 International Symposium on Trusted Computing (TrustCom), 2008.
[4] Yaxuan Qi, Baohua Yang, Bo Xu and Jun Li. Towards System-level Optimization for High Performance Unified Threat Management. Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS), 2007. (Best paper award)
[3] Jia Ni, Chuang Lin, Zhen Chen and Peter Ungsunan. A Fast Multi-pattern Matching Algorithm for Deep Packet Inspection on a Network Processor. Proc. of the 2007 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2007.
[2] An'an Luo, Chuang Lin and Zhen Chen. TNC-compatible NAC System Implementation on Network Processor. Proc. of the 2007 IEEE LCN Workshop on Network Security (WNS), 2007.
[1] Quan Huang, Shenke Qiu, Shicun Qin and Cheng Cao. An Embedded Firewall Based on Network Processor. Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), 2005.